Monday, May 08, 2006


Highest Paying U.S. Jobs...

I found this on My Question to you:

What 2 costs are spiraling out of control in this country?


- Gasonline
- Healthcare

Ok, now look at the list………

Surgeon -- $181,850*
Anesthesiologist -- $174,610
OB/GYN -- $174,610
Oral and maxillofacial surgeon -- $169,600
Internist -- $156,790
Prosthodontist -- $156,710
Orthodontist -- $153,240
Psychiatrist -- $151,380
Pediatrician -- $140,000
Chief Executive Officer -- $140,880
Engineering Manager -- $140,210
Family or general practitioner -- $137,980
Physician/surgeon, all other -- $137,100
Dentist -- $132,660 -- $111,130
Airline Pilot -- $134,090
Lawyer -- $110,590
Air Traffic Controller -- $100,430
Dentist, any other specialist -- $106,040
Computer and Information Systems Manager -- $100,110
Marketing Manager -- $100,020
Natural Sciences Manager -- $97,560
Sales Manager -- $96,950Astronomer -- $96,780

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