Monday, July 17, 2006


July 17th Personal Growth Blog Carnival

Welcome to the July 17, 2006 edition of personal growth carnival.

It's been a busy week with lots of submissions. There's a lot of great writing going on out there. So here we go!

First I'd like to introduce Jerry Lopper with Believe in an Easy Life. This is a quick read on positive thinking. Next up is Peter Kua who has an interesting perspective on Innovation. Dave Cheong has a nice piece on 8 simple things you can do to encourage others.

Christine Kane has an excellent idea that I may beging trying myself. You should her read her article called Have an Adventure Day. I won't spoil her surprise but it's an extraordinary plan.
Joanne Hay has been up writing late into the night with her post on Bev's rave. From her writing style you can tell she's deep thinker.Jeannie Bauer brings up a good point about how we look at failing. I found her article on A Defeat is Not a Failure a very good read.
If you've read David Allen's book "Getting Things Done", then My Bubble Life has some interesting thoughts about his system.

Finally we can't forget David Lorenzo presenting an article on 10 traits of achievers. Do you have them? Find out at the Career Intensity Blog - David V. Lorenzo

That concludes this edition. Keep the submissions comming, they're a great resource for all my readers. Submit your blog article to the next edition of personal growth carnival using my carnival submission form.


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